World of warships yamato kancolle skin
World of warships yamato kancolle skin

world of warships yamato kancolle skin

She's a Japanese destroyer who got a late level remodel based on her time as a Soviet war prize under the name Verniy. Regina Marina: Littorio/ Italia, Roma, Zara, Libeccio Kriegsmarine: Bismarck, Prinz Eugen, Graf Zeppelin, Z1 Lebrecht Maas, Z3 Max Schultz, U-511 Even the Midway Princess represents the battle of Midway- not just the Americans at Midway but literally the battle itself.įor your own curiosity, the current non-Japanese ships are: You can see this in how several bosses now resemble corrupted versions of Japanese shipgirls, and others are generic representations of locations and battles. I'm just going to touch on this for a moment: The Abyssal Navy was originally intended to be America/The Allies, but the KanColle staff's stance on this changed less than a year into the game's life. Incorporating them as-is might draw false "WG THINKS AMURRIKA IS EVUL!!!" posts, even if the first USN KanMusu was Iowa and even if some of those Abyssals have expanded to include fallen IJN KanMusu girls. KC is mostly IJN-centric, although other nations have slowly begun to filter in (Germany was second officially, with Bismarck then two others or so, and there is an ex-Russian shipgirl, IIRC), and the resident opponents, the Abyssal girls, have become less "fallen USN" over time.

World of warships yamato kancolle skin